
【南叁陸】哥倫比亞 考卡 天堂莊園咖啡豆


哥倫比亞 考卡 天堂莊園

【南叁陸】新北中永和咖啡豆批發 嚴選精品咖啡豆推薦

產區:考卡省(Valle del Cauca) Piendamo

莊園:天堂莊園(El Paraiso)




處理法:雙重厭氧發酵 水洗處理

【哥倫比亞 考卡】



【天堂莊園(Finca El Paraiso)】

是Diego Samuel先生於2008年開始經營的一個咖啡莊園,最初只是一個2.5公頃的小型的家族式莊園,而莊園主將每年採收的盈餘投入了咖啡農業的研究並持續鑽研精品風味如何更佳的被產出。


通過他的公司Indestec (Innovacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico para la Caficultura), Diego創造了新的創新技術,以提高並穩定咖啡的品質。他說,他喜歡走出舒適區,因為這會一直幫助他不斷進步。







Diego Samuel started with his coffee growing project Finca El Paraiso in 2008. To him growing coffee was fascinating, he would love visiting his friend’s farms and see them growing coffee. No one in his family grew coffee at that time so he says that he’s been adopted by the coffee growing industry. His family owned a farm that was isolated so Diego saw the opportunity to grow coffee there and after getting the permission of his family to start growing coffee he begins a 2.5 hectares project while doing his studies on Agricultural Enterprise Management. Selling his coffee to the local cooperatives allowed him to pay his studies and start evolving as coffee producer. After asking himself about why he couldn’t afford other things than his studies out of the coffee sold from his farm. He decides to start building a network going to different shows in different regions meeting people and realised that there were other ways to produce coffee in different qualities, from different varieties and submitting them to different contests.

In 2015 he participates for the first time in a regional contest where he gets first place, thanks to this he starts to get better recognition for his coffees which gave him the motivation to keep growing excellent coffees.

Today through his company Indestec (Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Caficultura) Diego has managed to create new innovative technologies in order to keep the consistency of his great cup profiles not only from his farm but neighbour farms from his family and friends. He says that he likes to be out of the comfort zone as this has been always helped him to keep evolving.

Diego grows in his farm Bourbon, Laurina, Gesha, Castillo and Colombia and plans on growing more varietals. He expects to keep participating in this kind of contests as this has been the way to promote his work and establish new commercial relationships.



#接單新鮮烘焙 #團購價5磅9折 #批發價10磅8折 #自家烘焙咖啡豆


【中永和咖啡舘】南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店官網: http://southno36.strikingly.com/

【咖啡豆批發】南叁陸線上賣場: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/booth/Y9815930688?bfe=

【咖啡豆專賣店】南叁陸IG: https://www.instagram.com/southno36/?hl=zh-tw

南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店店面地址 : 中和和平街36號(南勢角捷運站四號出口步行兩分鐘)

南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店營業時間 : 11:30 - 21:00 (每週四店休)

南叁陸咖啡豆批發洽詢電話 : 02-8668-2296




