
【南叁陸】巴西 喜拉朵咖啡豆


巴西 喜拉朵 水洗

【南叁陸】新北中永和咖啡豆批發 台北新北嚴選精品咖啡豆推薦 咖啡豆批發團購零售推薦首選

巴西 喜拉朵
國家: 巴西
產區: 米納斯省 喜拉朵產區
海拔: 900M~1,050M
處理法: 水洗
品種: catuai


喜拉朵產區位於巴西的"喜拉多草原氣候區"南部的台地上擁有豐富的原生植物種及動物,而喜拉朵咖啡產區(Cerrado Coffee Region)是指大草原延伸到米納斯省境內,而加上乾濕季分明的與台地上較為冷涼的氣候,另咖啡獎果成熟時間趨於一致,於是喜拉朵產區便得以在巴西眾多產區中獨樹一幟,算是優質巴西豆的選擇。


Varietal Notes: Mundo Novo was developed for cultivation in Brazil in the 1940’s. A cross between Sumatra and Red Boubon, it’s distinctly tall (up to 30’ in height) and vigorous in its production. Yellow and Red Catuai is a hybrid developed in 1968 by crossing Mundo Novo and Yellow Caturra. Unlike Mondo Novo, it noticeably shorter though equally vigorous in its cherry production.

Collective: Cerrado is a region in the state of Minas Gerais, which is now the largest coffee-producing state in Brazil. The coffee is grown in rich soil that locals call “Terra Roxa” or “Red Earth.” Consistent rains, high daytime temperatures and dry winters combine to make the Cerrado region ideal for producing world-class Brazilian coffee. Today, coffee is produced by over 4,500 farms, delivering 5.5 to 6.0 million bags per year, making it one of the most productive coffee growing regions on the planet.




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【中永和咖啡舘】南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店官網: http://southno36.strikingly.com/

【咖啡豆批發】南叁陸線上賣場: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/booth/Y9815930688?bfe=

【咖啡豆專賣店】南叁陸IG: https://www.instagram.com/southno36/?hl=zh-tw

南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店店面地址 : 中和和平街36號(南勢角捷運站四號出口步行兩分鐘)

南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店營業時間 : 11:30 - 21:00 (每週四店休)

南叁陸咖啡豆批發洽詢電話 : 02-8668-2296