
【南叁陸】哥倫比亞 薇拉 聖奧古斯丁 水洗


哥倫比亞 薇拉 聖奧古斯丁 水洗

【南叁陸】新北中永和咖啡豆批發 嚴選精品咖啡豆推薦






哥倫比亞西部是安第斯山脈,分成三個部分:西部、中部和東部山脈。主要產區為Huila (San Augustin)、Narino、Tolima、Popayan (Cauca)、Valle de Cauca、Meta、Antioquia (Medellin)、Magdelena (Sierra Nevada)、Boyaca、Santander (Bucaramanga)等。

哥倫比亞種植的咖啡樹,其中66%以現代化栽種方式種植在種植園内,其餘的種植在傳統經營的小型農場裡。主要品種包括卡杜拉Caturra、哥倫比亞Colombia、帝比卡Tipica、波旁Bourbon、象豆Maragogype、以及塔比(Tabi) 。全國農場和合作社不論規模大小超過50萬農民所經營,分布全國590個市鎮和14個主要咖啡產區,總計有200萬的哥倫比亞國民仰賴咖啡種植維生。

薇拉省(Huila)位於哥倫比亞西部,咖啡生長在西部臨海山脈與東部山脈交界形成的峽谷斜坡上,其中聖奧古斯丁鎮(San Augustino)因為有洛斯納蘭霍斯河通過品質最佳,這區域河岸風景優美有大片的花草是蝴蝶與風鳥的棲息地,這個區域也是哥倫比亞生產好咖啡的大本營,這個產區許多小農微批次生產的精品咖啡豆是很有產區風味特色。



San Agustin, Huila - Colombia

Whilst Huila is naturally blessed with optimal coffee growing geography, the key to great quality coffees from San Agustin (such as this lot) are the growers themselves. Coffee farming within the region is overwhelmingly small-scale. Indeed, approximately 80% of producers from the region farm coffee on less than 3 hectares of land. These small farms are tended by individual families with labour only very rarely being contracted out, which leads to more thorough and intensive management practices and great pride in the final product – which is, itself, an extension of the family.

Mercanta’s exporting partner for this San Agustin, Huila lot has partnered with local farmers in the green hills surrounding San Agustin for over 25 years. Together they have pioneered the commercialization of specialty coffee throughout the region, resulting in some stunning coffees from this area of optimal natural conditions for coffee farming. This has included the establishment of the ‘Club San Agustin’, which identifies the 50 top quality producers via an annual cupping competition. This competition, over the years, has resulted in strong direct relationships and sourcing from individual farmers, including the provision of technical services for improved agricultural practices with a strong focus on cup quality. In support of their efforts, ‘Club Agustin’ producers receive year round technical assistance, including soil analysis, and receive help in processing recommendations, including guidance in drying processes and wet mill maintenance.

These producers are a carefully-selected group of small producers who understand strict quality standards and are fully committed to producing and delivering their best coffees. Among these producers, we can find several participants and some winners of COE competitions. A most recent example of one is a long-term ‘Club’ participant, Alirio Aguilera who’s Finca San Isidro won 1st place in 2013’s Cup of Excellence competition. 25 of these producers have contributed to this particular lot.

Support also is given with regards to social well-being. In 2004, a community centre was built in the nearby town of Alto del Obispo which offers child care and infant nutrition programs for up to 80 children daily (with all operating costs covered by our exporting partner). Improvements in the community centre are also being planned, particularly the construction of a football pitch/sports field for the children.



#接單新鮮烘焙 #團購價5磅9折 #批發價10磅8折 #自家烘焙咖啡豆


【中永和咖啡舘】南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店官網: http://southno36.strikingly.com/

【咖啡豆批發】南叁陸線上賣場: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/booth/Y9815930688?bfe=

【咖啡豆專賣店】南叁陸IG: https://www.instagram.com/southno36/?hl=zh-tw

南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店店面地址 : 中和和平街36號(南勢角捷運站四號出口步行兩分鐘)

南叁陸咖啡豆專賣店營業時間 : 11:30 - 21:00 (每週四店休)

南叁陸咖啡豆批發洽詢電話 : 02-8668-2296



